Caggiano Software
Our miscellaneous apps that are live in the Apple App Store:

Prime Factors Of will calculate all the prime numbers that are factors of the numbers entered (up to 4 numbers can be entered). It will also calculate the Highest Common Factor of the numbers (and the prime numbers that it consists of) and the Lowest Common Multiple of the numbers (and its factors).
The url of the app in the App Store is https://apps.apple.com/us/app/prime-factors-of/id1516210415

Coin Collection by Caggiano SW is an app that we developed to track the coins in a coin collection. It allows you to identify the country and type of coin, along with the location in your collection where the coin is. And if you put in the current value of the coins, it will add those up and give you the current value.
The url of the app in the App Store is https://apps.apple.com/us/app/coin-collection-by-caggiano-sw/id1598987956

Card Collection by Caggiano SW is an app that we developed to track the different types of collectable cards that you own. And if you put in the current value of the cards, it will add those up and give you the current value.
The url of the app in the App Store is https://apps.apple.com/us/app/card-collection-by-caggiano-sw/id6444266351